Princess Tiara Cake

I’m just back from the Nutriplus Demo in Jusco, Mid Valley. From now till 4th April, there will be demonstrations by different chefs from the new recipe book; Think Out of the Shell launched on last Monday, 22nd March 2010. Yours truly had 1 session earlier in the evening today. But make sure you go and check out other chef’s yummy cakes!

*Click to enlarge*

Will talk abt the new book on another post. Let’s look at the Princess Tiara Cake first ..

Tiara’s made of royal icing and the shiny jewels aren’t actually edible. The cushion is, of course, the cake itself! It’s a 3.5″ high cake sculpted to look like a pillow, for the tiara. Happy Birthday Alisha!

6 thoughts on “Princess Tiara Cake

  1. If I ever tie the knot, will you make my wedding cake? By the way, how much do you charge? Lemme know through email okie dokie? I'm seriously impressed with your work!

  2. Swee San! The Tiara cake is so pretty! Can you share with me how you make that kind of fonts? I have been searching high and low for this and been so thick skin asking around too, but no result! Can tell me? Is there a special alphabet cutter? Can email me to let me know? Thanks a zillion!

  3. ReeseKitchen : Yes Reese, you'll be able to, just need to learn some basics..

    wendyywy : Yeah, I didn't have the right type of mould for it..

    Quinn, Just replied you, check your email. THanks 🙂

    Hoeny Bee Sweets : I also just sent you the email, it's an alphabet cutter 🙂

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