Bespoke Buttercream Flower Cakes


21 thoughts on “Bespoke Buttercream Flower Cakes

  1. Hi Swee San,

    I am interested to enroll for the buttercream class. I have checked the schedule posted in the web, found out that there is no class available in March. Can you please keep me inform for the date of class in April and May++.

    Actually I stay in Miri. Sarawak. So I would require advance planning for my trip to KL for this class. Thank you.

    Li Ping

  2. Hi there im interested in yout cake decoration class. May i know where and when the class will be held? How much is the course and what is provided? Thanks

  3. Hi, I’m interested in learning on how to make korean buttercream flower cake. Can you email me the details of classes in June to July 2017, including the pricing. Thanks! 🙂

  4. Hi Sweet San.
    Would you mind letting me know if there are any Korean Buttercream classes in Sept & Oct please?
    Costs & duration details would be much appreciated.

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