Nutriplus cookbook launch and a giveaway!

About 2 weeks ago, Nutriplus launched a new book; Think Out of the Shell. The book’s main focus is on eggs and cakes / pastry made with eggs. If u see my blog entry last week, they had a demonstration on several recipes from the book itself, by the chef him/herself. I had a session making Portuguese Egg Tarts and Coconut Cream Caramel. Well I must say it’s a little different doing a demo and conducting a class, cause in a demo, you talk forever, but in a class, you can stop and students bombard you with questions; which then makes it a little more interactive. But either way it was cool.

On the cover, is Natalie’s Tomato Tart flavoured with galangal poached egg, black olive pate and balsamic reduction.

I had my first mini tiny debut in books. The book features 10 chefs from different backgrounds (and different age haha). So basically, it’s like buy 1 free 9 ? I’m just joking. The 9 other chefs are Cheng Yi; or rather known as Fat Boy Bakes, Collin Lim; senior chef consultant at The Cooking House, Gina Tan; THE Magimix woman, Mr Lee; KDU’s Senior Chef Instructor, Leslie Teong; award wining pastry chef, Mei Kei; Managing Editor of myNourishment magazine, Natalie Arbefeuille; chef and cookbook author from France, Ryan Khang; editor-in-chief of myNourishment, William Chan; Pastry chef from Renaissance Hotel and oh, me!

So in a nutshell, you get Asian type of pastries, all the way to Austrian patisserie. Coolness ? you bet. I will just name a few recipes from the book; Chocolate Mousse Hazelnut Crumble Praline Ice Cream, Cream Papaya and lime mousse Cake, Ricotta Cannoli, Caramelized Lemon Tart with Almond Crust, Peanut Butter Banana Cake, Pistachio Creme Brulee and so so much more!

During the launching of the new book, Chef Leslie Teong showcased his magic in pulled sugar. Oh but first, let me tell you about the huge EGG u see in the picture. At first, I thought it was just an egg made from, probably pastillage for display, but little did I know, the book was hidden in the egg and it’s suppose to only debut once the “big shots” from Jusco and Nutriplus crack it. Cute ain’t it.

Well u know during opening ceremonies, people cut ribbons. But now we crack eggs!!

Oh hi! this was the only shot my friend could took. If you see this similar picture, of course a fuller pic in the papers or somewhere else, please let me know!!

Actually all 10 of us are in the picture but you have to see the book to know who’s who!!

And I’m always envious when something is launched and the people involved would sign on a BIG board. Like, wah so glamour. I finally had my chance to sign!!

>.< !!!!!!!!!



Now, here’s the deal. I’m giving away ONE copy of the book “Think Out of the Shell” to my readers from my blog. To enter the giveaway all you have to do is

– Leave a comment and tell me “What is your favourite dessert / cake? and why?”
– Also, leave your name, valid email and blog address! (If you don’t have a blog it’s okay)
– One entry per comment per person.
– One entry per tweet. Means you can leave a comment here and tweet about this giveaway, and you get 2 entries. – Don’t forget to tag @sweesan and #Nutriplus so I can keep track of it
– It is open until 11.59pm Sunday 11th April 2010 (Malaysian time). Winner’s name will be drawn and announced on Monday 12th April 2010.
– No geographical restrictions. Open to everyone from everywhere.

Whatchu waiting for ?? Start commenting already!

15 thoughts on “Nutriplus cookbook launch and a giveaway!

  1. my favorite dessert is Soufflé – the soft and puffed up fragile one 'sit-in' the hard core (ramekin) and the whole Soufflé is filled with Happiness!!! so, eating souffle = happiness!

    i am ai wei from My Story~ 🙂

  2. My favourite dessert would be Tiramisu if you ask! I've learnt how to make my own mascarpone lately so my Tiramisu is absolutely from scratch if I make the sponge fingers myself too! I don't use Twitter 🙁 but nonetheless, I hope I win, if not, can I email you and ask you to send me a copy of tho book (with your signature on it!) to Adelaide??? Please, I'll foot your postage and the cost of the book, thanks!!!! I'm all out to support you!

  3. Hey, this is Aaron. I'm not a blogger, don't mention food blogger but I do know a lot about desserts ever since meeting Quinn and since both of us don't use Twitter, this is my vote for her. I hope she'll win. She's been whining she should be in Malaysia now to be part of this and that and yada yada… My favourite dessert would be anything that Quinn makes because they are made with love and passion for me and I do know it is hard cooking and baking for just 2 people when you want variety. My email is If she doesn't win, I hope you'll send her the book and I'll pay for it. Thanks and cheers.


  4. My favourite dessert is my latest cake..
    Dulce de Leche cake.
    A brown sugar sponge layered and covered with Dulce de Leche whipping cream. Simply heavenly.
    The smell of DDL is simply marvellous.
    Everybody in the house loved it so much.

    I wish you many many more books to come. Congratulations.

  5. First of all, grats! 🙂

    My favorite dessert is a hot cherry crumble pie in fresh custard.

    Other then the absolutely superb pie, it reminds me of the terrible weather when I was in the United Kingdom. Rain everywhere, country pub, traditional setting.

    It's one of the most simplest dessert I know, but nevertheless most delicious.

    Jordy Houtman –

  6. Hey, dear! I was expecting a macaron post from you! *LOL* Totally wrong! Well, I guess I've given out spoiler! Hahaha …!

    Congrats to you! Dammit! I missed the big day! When I was at Jusco Mid-Valley last Saturday, I still saw the NutriPlus booth. Pretty cool!

  7. Hi Swee San,

    My ultimate fav is Bitter Sweet Chocolate Mousse. Reason being it's so versatile, you may served with cakes, pastry shells or eat it on its own.

    For contrasting texture, garnish with chopped nuts, or anything crunchy.

    We can go crazy with whole berries too…

    Or stack tuilles in between oh-so-velvety mousse…

    The list can go on and on…

    Its the next best thing after chocolate ice cream.

    Congrats on your book launch once again…

    You go girl!

    Yeap Sau Yee

  8. Hi Swee! Just managed to see this post in time to sign up for the giveawayy!!

    My favourite cake is ORANGE BUTTER (cup)CAKE, because it's simple and modest yet the orange flavour (from the zest of course!) gives it a tinge of sophistication. And because that's the best cake I can make *^_^*

    Congratulations on the book !!
    (and that article in My Nourishment magazine!! I actually want a copy of that too but it's too late now =/)

    My name's June Tan(
    I have a japanese blog (, but it's not a food blog (though there are some food-related posts); just a general blog to practise Japanese.
    Thinking of starting an english one now…=P

    Anywayss! Congrats on your achievements so far! You've always been an insiration! Keep cooking/baking! ^_^

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