It was a last minute decision to make Tonkotsu Ramen last weekend. I had a bowl of Goku Ramen in Paradigm and I had a really thirsty after feeling and it was quite expensive for that tiny bowl of ramen….
Category: Misc
Hello! I have missed out posting on alot of cake photos and updating my gallery. Anyway, here’s a cake that I wanted to post the photos cause, this cake took a pretty long time to make haha It was my…
Hello! I was recently at the Quaker Oats for Rice media launch. Now who’s a fan of oats ? (honestly, I’m not) My mom tried adding regular oats into rice and it turned out mushy. So I was abit skeptical…
Hi! As you know, I was in Hong Kong last month, and I was invited to one of a Mooncake Making Workshop by Kee Wah Bakery in Hong Kong itself. Mooncakes are abundant when it’s September or as the 8th…
Well well well.. This post, no, this machine, is some magical tool of happiness. Haha Ok let’s start with, the fact that I’m a kitchen gadget junkie, which I think, if you’ve read my previous post, you would have know….